Remote Work Summer 2022 Edition

White collar workers still not fully back into the office

Steve Taylor
6 min readJul 16, 2022
Image generated on Craiyon

Here we are in July 2022 a full two years and six months after Covid officially landed on the shores of the United States. I happen to live just a couple of miles from ground zero the assisted living center in Kirkland, WA where Covid first did its devastating dance on a facility filled with old frail people. I even know (casually) the woman that used to be the lead administrator for that facility. It was a mess.

Here we are some 30 months after all of that. Many of you have had Covid. I had Covid in May of this year. It was a pretty mild case and probably some variant of Omicron. I probably picked it up at my office where they make us go back and sit at a desk one day a week for “collaboration”.

By trade, I am a software engineer and to be honest, I hate going to the office. It fills me with anxiety. I think mostly because I likely have undiagnosed ADHD and sitting still and not flipping through Google or reading the news on my computer all day long, drives me nuts. (I once got admonished by a director for having CNN up on my monitor when she walked by) Many times I just need to get up and walk around just to clear my head. I can concentrate much better without the office distractions and noise. Open office plans are the death of me. The…



Steve Taylor

Steve is passionate about food, good drinks, politics, space and anything outdoors.