Medium has a funny way of showing you stories that are related to something in your life. I was "John" about 30 years ago when I met a 14 year old girl and started "dating" her but within a few weeks I thought something was strange because she acted much younger than the 18 she said she was although she looked 18+ years old. I was 21 so I was still interested in girls under the legal age but was quickly getting less and less interested in them. This girl for the most part acted as an adult. We were Americans living in Europe at the time so it wasn't anything strange to go get a drink or whatever and never be carded. Eventually, her lies caught up with her when I did happen to see her ID one day and confronted her and apparently I wasn't the first one to fall into that trap. I immediately walked away knowing how much trouble that was. Never saw her again thankfully because by the time she was legal, I would've been 26 and I wasn't waiting around... Knowing how easy it is to get really good fake IDs now, it's no wonder this doesn't happen more often.