Trump and Welker from Wikimedia

Mainstream Media Doesn’t Get it

Kristen Welker vs. Donald Trump

Steve Taylor
4 min readSep 19, 2023


I just want to get this off my chest because it has been bugging me since the Kaitlan Collins debacle earlier this summer when she had a “town hall” meeting with Donald Trump and he just steamrolled over her and made a fool of her.

When I saw that Kristen Welker was going to host Donald Trump in a one-on-one meeting I turned to my wife and said, here we go again. Trump is going to just steamroll over her and leave her grasping at straws… and of course that is exactly what happened.

The reason I knew this is because journalists from the big mainstream media companies want to present Donald Trump as a regular person running for President, not some deranged lunatic trying to take over the world’s biggest democracy.

The press seemingly hasn’t learned a single thing since Trump burst on the political scene back in 2015. He always has the same strategy and it rarely fails (It has failed a couple of times but not often). He floods the zone with bullshit and gish gallops over the reporters and they have no way of responding because he moves from topic to topic like a bee before they can catch up their hour is over and he is basically untouched.

She seemed wholly unprepared for his attacks and seemingly took control of the whole interview while…



Steve Taylor

Steve is passionate about food, good drinks, politics, space and anything outdoors.