I think this completely depends on your own personal situation. In Europe it might mostly be a better year, unless there is a war in Ukraine. Parts of Asia and Africa will probably be pretty normal as covid wanes. There will not be another big wave after Omicron. Too many vaccinated people and resistance is building in the non-vaccinated as they keep catching it. This is why South Africa didn't see a huge wave this time. Unless there is a war over Taiwan, then all bets are off. In the USA, covid will wane also but politics will heat up culminating in a blow out loss for Democrats, flipping everything to the crazies in Congress. The senate will still be on a knife's edge so whatever craziness goes on in the House will probably not make it through the Senate, but people will get pissed about the inaction. I don't see any civil unrest until 2023 or 2024 but most definitely in 2025 when Trump steals the election and things just start to go crazy. Extreme weather will just be more of the same. Everyone shaking their heads about it but doing nothing really. More solar panels and wind generation is good but just a drop in the bucket. I don't think any economies, except China, will go bad. Too much money in the systems right now, maybe again in 2025 when the USA economy crashes over a stolen election.