I love a good Fermi paradox discussion. I have been following this topic, mainly through Isaac Arthurs and I have some of my own ideas. (sorry for the long response)
1. This is possible. We are just in the wrong end of the galaxy or a not very interesting part so we can't really see them yet. That would mean that the galaxy isn't very densely inhabited but I can go with that.
2. This I think could answer all our questions if it's true.
3, 4, 5. The Prime Directive in Star Trek. Don't interfere until they have FTL drives? Visit and research but don't be visible. But even then we should see aliens out there eventually. But what technology did they leave behind?
6. This is the 2001 scenario. They left a beacon on the moon or the asteroids waiting for us. Doubtful but possible.
7. We are the aliens. But if that's true, why can't we see them?
8, 9. I think this is highly likely. Life is rare. The distances are nearly impossible and the timeframes are too large to travel such great distances so why bother doing it? We see how hard it is to send people to Mars, why send humans to another solar system?
10. See 7.
11. See the simulation theory. Again an easy explanation that is so far fetched that I give it zero chance of coming true.
12, 13. These are the great filters that make life so rare. We have made it this far. I hope we don't screw it up.
14. No way.
15. This is intriguing but would assume all aliens are similar.
16. I think this might be highly likely. We just end up like Ready Player One because a virtual world is going to be way less dangerous and more exciting than actually getting out there and doing it.
17, 18, 19. Lasers. We don't really look for laser communications. Radio waves are inefficient and slow. This is something we really need to concentrate on looking for. Also, detecting radio waves, say from a TV tower dozens of light years away is going to be difficult at best.
20. That's true. They could be water based or on a planet like Venus. They never get curious enough to look beyond. But any sufficiently advanced civilation would eventually find out and get curious I would think.
21, 22 See 8,9 above life is very rare.
23. Another self destructive filter. Highly likely. We are doing it on Earth. It's a race to see if we can reverse course before snuffing ourselves out.
24. I don't think they'd live in a black hole, but highly likely they go 100% digital or something we can't understand so we can't see it. I think this is very possible.
25. I think this is related to the great filters. Aliens keep cycling through destructive events making us go into stupid mode for long periods of time.
26. This is always possible. "Arthur C. Clarke famously claimed: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ... In other words, the only difference between technology and magic, is that the one is something that we understand today; the other something that we do not yet understand, but eventually will."
27. See simulation or alternate universe theories.
28. See the 2001 scenarios above.
29. I don't want to believe that aliens don't exist. It doesn't make sense.
My belief is that life is rarer than we think in the galaxy. Things take longer than we think. The filters are great and hard to overcome which adds to the rarity of life. Also, we could be very late to the party. Or it's all a giant simulation!