I honestly don't think it will be as bad as everyone thinks because as we catch and re-catch covid over and over again, we build up immunity. The shots will get better as time goes on too.
BUT, to your main point. If I hear another person tell me they caught a cold or the flu right now I am going to scream. I caught Covid in early May from my wife who brought it home from the office. She had very mild symptoms and I had what amounted to a "cold". A cough that wasn't that bad, stuffy nose and an awful sore throat (we are triple vaxxed with Pfizer) and no lingering effects that I can tell. But people are in denial. I have heard from friends about whole families getting this spring "cold" and denying it's Covid. It's like if they admit it they are going to become a raging liberal or something. 99% of cold right now are Covid.