I don't know where to begin here.
Vertical farms can't feed us everything we need. Especially when it comes to protein. Even if we went total vegan, wheat, peas and beans do not do well in vertical farms and take way more space than you can imagine. Maybe vat grown protein might make up that difference. We'll see...
At the end of the day, humans will survive. It's possible that climate change will wipe out large swaths of humanity but we are doing a pretty good job of killing ourselves and birth rates are plummeting so I am not too worried about over population.
Moving away from the coasts might be a smart move. Some of the areas that are going to be least effected by climate change are places like Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio. Inland areas that are still mostly giant fields. Oh and they have plenty of rainfall and are expected to continue that way for hundreds of years or more.
Land masses will shift as a consequence of sea rise, rivers flooding, sink holes, and cliffs disintegrating. Communications will be threatened as a result of satellites falling into a state of disrepair, storms, flood, and fires, damaging phone and wi-fi wiring, and more.
I don't know what to say here. You've been watching too many apocalyptic movies or something. Here in the Pacfiic Northwest along the coast of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia the land is slowly being upthrust due to plate techtonics and is actually counteracting the effects of the seas rising. I'm sure it's not the only place in the world either. That's not to say that California or Ireland or Taiwan might not be effected but it's not every where.
I guess my general point is that it's not all doom and gloom. Our efforts at using green technologies will eventually succeed because they are cheaper and cleaner. There will be warming but humanity will trudge along and actually thrive