I am not going to defend anyone about this. There are so many points at which the holocaust should've stopped but it was train that kept picking up speed. Why didn't the German people stop Hitler? There were over 20 assassination attempts on Hitler over the years. But clearly more people should've stood up in Germany, but by the time most people realized what was happening Hitler had enough thugs to control the population. Why didn't England and France and the rest of them? Probably because they were already fighting Hitler in 1940 before mass executions started in the concentration camps. Communications were slow back then and America was quickly consumed by a new war with Japan. But soon after they quickly realized how bad things were in Europe and soon were engaged and D Day was a couple years later. There was some waffling by the Americans early on but it took time to gear up and deal with both the Japanese and Germans at the same time. As for the rest of the world, China, India, Africa were all third world countries back then.
As for Ukraine, there is a very real reason we don't just jump in with both feet and it's nuclear weapons. If we were just dealing with Putin, it would be over. Same with China. The reason we don't get involved in shithole countries like Burma or Somalia is the same reason we got involved in Vietnam, these conflicts have a way of killing many thousands of people. America isn't perfect by any means. We went to war in Vietnam and Iraq over stupid shit but I feel we are doing the best we can in Ukraine right now. It's never black and white that's why these things get out of control before something good can happen.