I am a couple years from retirement and I can't wait. I have so many things I want to do with my free time, I don't expect to be bored much. Too many hobbies and travel and so forth... My mantra is fun first and work second. My wife sounds like you. Work was always first. Sometimes to the detriment of our kids and marriage. As she gets closer to retirement, she is dreading trying to fill the days with something to do. She is ADHD and just started taking medication for it in her late 50s and it's made a world of difference with her anxiety and ability to focus. But I am not looking forward to retirement if she can't fill the time with something.
I have many friends that are retiring and I see two types of people in retirement. Those that worked hard and no hobbies or non work interests. Just work, work, work and now are absolutely bored out of their minds and those that cultured hobbies and outside of work interests over the years. The later seem to adjust much easier to retirement than the former.