Hahahaha omg you have this so screwed up. The number 1 reason the call to return to the office is so strong is the deep investment many companies have in commercial real estate and the fact that many banks are demanding their clients put butts in seats in an office so the commercial real estate bubble doesn't collapse. Number 1 reason. All your specious arguments about why working in the office is better for employees are completely off base. Anyone that has worked Remotely (I say that because the anti Work from HOME propaganda has us fucking around all day in our pajamas).
You make the argument that "show me work you can produce alone at home and I will show you work that can be off-shored and/or automated."
First , working alone at home conjures images working in your pajamas and sleeping no doubt. Nobody is working alone, where did you get that idea? Do you even know what it is like to work remotely?
Second, this is where your whole argument falls apart. I've been in the IT/tech sector for 25 years and if you can automate it, jobs overseas go first. If automation comes for your job, working in an office or remotely won't save you just because of face time with your manager. This is where your whole article falls apart.
You end up sounding like another anti-WFH apologist that is being paid to write this propaganda to shame people back to the office.