Ha! You nailed most of my marriage! Going on 27 years but it wasn't always pretty. I met my wife when we were both about 29 years old. Got married a couple of years later. At the time we were both making about the same amount of money. She gets recruited to work for a large telecom company and move across the country and I was tired of my dead end job and always loved the west coast so we moved and I got a new job. (BTW, she is a devote feminist) Over the next five years her career skyrockets and mine is stuck in 2nd gear (it wasn't for trying). About six years into the marriage she gets pregnant with our first child and this is where things start getting off track. My job was at a large tech company but things were crazy there. Through no fault of my own and reorganizations my career is stalling out and I am getting burned out. She didn't want to leave her job because now she has stock options and making 2x what I was making. She didn't want to put our first son in day care and she wanted to stay home but we couldn't afford to live on my salary alone so we decided for me to be a SAHD. Wrong move. We quickly had a 2nd child (on purpose) and I was overwhelmed and after about 3 years of this sex has dried up. She is pissed off and resentful all the time. I want to go back to work and put the kids in daycare. Finally, we get some counseling when she had an emotional affair with a friend's husband (which I broke up after she confessed to me she wanted to hang out with him. It was a mess). After more counseling and a guy named Dr. Robert Glover and his book “No More Mr. Nice Guy” we get things back on track, which I hear isn’t common after something like this. I got back to work in an office making decent money. The kids by that time they were in elementary school so daycare wasn’t really an issue. The sex got better. That was all about ten years ago and we are still going strong. She still makes 2x what I do but at least we have figured out our roles without resentment. But don't ever let a "feminist" tell you they don't want to be taken care of. It was eye opening. Everyone's situation is different but both therapists said that a lot of women hate being in the lead. They want men to lead. It's just nature.