As a 60 year old guy in a 28 year marriage, this sounds about right for the phases of my life, except the Conflicted Guy. While I wish we were having more sex, it's really not driving me like it did when I was in my 20s. While I do think about it often and we have sex about once a week. When we first got married it was almost every day and sometimes twice a day. Getting old sucks. Anyway, I've never strayed but she had an emotional affair about 10 years ago that put us in therapy for a good couple years and we worked out a lot of our issues. I highly suggest getting a good therapist for anyone struggling with their marriage. My wife has not gained weight and is considered very attractive for her age but I feel for Conflicted Guy. If your wife is not attracting you, 54 is still young enough to enjoy life with others. Only thing I would do differently in my life was date more in my 20s. I worked too hard and it wasn't until I was 32 I got married. Then a few more years until the kids came. Date more and have kids earlier... for me at least that's what I would do.